Venom, Let There Be Carnage: Carnage (Part 1)

Here is the work I did on Carnage during the early development/ "blue-sky" phase.
This was before we finalized the design so I tried several things.
I will collect the work I did on the final design in another post.

I put together this scene of Carnage fighting Venom, to explore how Carnie's tendril could swirl around him and show his inner chaos.

I put together this scene of Carnage fighting Venom, to explore how Carnie's tendril could swirl around him and show his inner chaos.

I was told the spiky pincer shape really went well with the director, and it was kept for the further iterations until the final maquette.

I was told the spiky pincer shape really went well with the director, and it was kept for the further iterations until the final maquette.

I absolutely love the Carnage design with the pink mouth and the black teeth. Here I explored a version of Carnage with an internal bio-luminescence to justify the glow. The idea was that Carnage interiors would glow when he is enraged or excited.

I absolutely love the Carnage design with the pink mouth and the black teeth. Here I explored a version of Carnage with an internal bio-luminescence to justify the glow. The idea was that Carnage interiors would glow when he is enraged or excited.

Some of the early sketches I did to get to know the character.

Some of the early sketches I did to get to know the character.

Carnage is infamous for the body arsenal of torture devices and weapons that he generates.

Carnage is infamous for the body arsenal of torture devices and weapons that he generates.

Here are some Ideas for what kind of weapons Carnage could manifest.

Here are some Ideas for what kind of weapons Carnage could manifest.

Since Riot in the first movie was shown creating more "conventional" weapons, the direction became to have Carnage generate a more organic looking arsenal of vicious spikes, pinchers, thorns and claws.

Since Riot in the first movie was shown creating more "conventional" weapons, the direction became to have Carnage generate a more organic looking arsenal of vicious spikes, pinchers, thorns and claws.

Surprise attack!
As a creature of chaos, Carnage attacks should be completely unpredictable.

Surprise attack!
As a creature of chaos, Carnage attacks should be completely unpredictable.

At a certain point I was playing with the idea of a scolopendra-like Carnage.

At a certain point I was playing with the idea of a scolopendra-like Carnage.

Yeah well.. ok. I don't know what I was thinking when I made this one.

Yeah well.. ok. I don't know what I was thinking when I made this one.

Another concept that I was asked to explore, were ways in which Carnage could, during the course of the movie, progressively become less and less humanoid looking.